DSE Defensible Space Experts LLC

Is Your Property Wildfire Ready?

Insurance rates are increasing and in some cases policies canceled because of the fire danger in our area here in Central Oregon. We may be able to help! Insurance companies want to see that steps have been taken to protect your property from wildfire.

Let us help you get your home and property prepared now.

The best defense is a good offense!

What Is Defensible Space?

Defensible Space is the buffer between your home and the surrounding property. Adequate defensible space acts as a barrier to slow or halt the progress of fire that would otherwise engulf your property. Defensible space is the first line of defense for your home against wildfire.


Home Preparation

Clearing roofs and gutters of needles, leaves and debris. Replacing exterior vents with newer fire resistant ones that stop embers from accessing your home. Installing 1/8 inch steel mesh over vents and underneath any decks with exposed spaces to prevent debris and combustible materials from accumulating. Following Oregon Defensible Space and NFPA guidelines.

Defensible Space Landscaping

Removing or replacing flammable vegetation and landscape materials. Trimming back branches to be at least 10 feet away from roofs and exterior walls. Its recommended not to have any vegetation up against your home in the 0' to 5' zone, as well as replacing flammable bark mulch with non flammable materials.  Replacing highly flammable plants with fire resistant ones. Overall, working with you on creating an alternative landscape that will make your home and property wildfire prepared. Following Oregon Defensible Space and NFPA guidelines.

Tree Thinning, Pruning and Removal. Brush Clearing, Mowing and Debris Removal

Tree removal, pruning and thinning. Pruning branches to at least 6 feet off of the ground. Removing and mowing brush and tall grass that can act as ladder fuels. Thinning trees so there is at least 10 feet of space between your home and other trees. The NFPA recommends having at least 18' of clearance between trees in the 5' to 30' zone and 12' between trees 30' to 60'  around your home. This spacing is to help prevent fire from moving across the trees canopy. Removing and hauling away debris and other flammable materials from your property. Following Oregon Defensible Space and NFPA guidelines.

Wildfire Defense Irrigation Systems

Installation of an irrigation system specifically designed for wildfire defense around the perimeter of your property. Stand alone systems, temporary emergency systems using our "Home Halo" sprinkler. If your home is in imminent danger from a wildfire, we will come and install our "Home Halo" roof sprinkler to help give your home an extra level of protection. Or you can purchase the system and have it at the ready for personal installation.

Get in touch now!

We’d love to hear from you! 

Call us at 541-241-6160 or send us a message using the form below to schedule a free assessment or ask any questions, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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Oregon State Fire Marshall

NFPA Suggested Tree Spacing

NFPA - Firewise USA


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